Thursday, 6 March 2014

The Animals With Unique Marriage

1 . Leopard Slug
Large snails mating ritual is one of the most amazing things in the natural world . When people see this video they will see that a garden snail bulls with different eyes . Limax Maximus ( or " big slug " ) , also known as the leopard slug ( slug leopard ) , is one of the largest land snail species in the world . Although native to Europe , but this species has been accidentally introduced to many parts of the world . This species has a distinctive way of marriage and very unusual , where the pair slug hanging in the air , hanging from a tree branch or other structures , using thick mucus threads .
2 . Angler fish
Angler fish mating rituals equally striking with Leopard Slugs mating , but more extreme . Male angler fish lives solely to find and mate with a female angler fish . Body of male angler fish angler fish are smaller than females , and difficulty finding food in the deeper water . When a male angler fish angler fish find a female , he bites the female fish skin , and releases an enzyme chewers skin of the mouth of the male and the female fish 's body , then go up to the level of the blood vessels . The male then slowly atrophy ( atrophy ) , the first loss pencernanya organs , then the brain , heart , and eyes , and ends as nothing more than a pair of gonads or gonads , release sperm in response to hormones in the blood stream females , indicating the release of an egg . Dimosfisme ( Possible live as two types of life ) extreme sex shows that , when the female is ready to spawn , she has had a couple there . Interestingly , the number of male fish can be combined into a single females .

3 . Fruit Bats
Bats are the only species besides humans that perform oral sex during intercourse , in order to prolong sexual stimulation . During the breeding season , it is not fair for the entire group to participate in a big orgy .

4 . Elephant
The breeding season is so short and the females are only able to contain for a few days each year . The female will break away from the flock . The smell of a female elephant who was overheated attractive male elephant and he also uses sound signals to attract the male . Because the female can usually outrun the male than , he does not have to mate with every male elephant approached him .
Male elephants and female elephants approach started ignoring it for a few minutes . The male then stop and start it again . Elephants display a number of affectionate interactions , such menyorodok , perjalinan trunk , and put the trunk into the mouth .

5 . Grasshopper
Grasshopper is the kind of insects that often the enemy of farmers . However , despite that they have a unique mating ritual , because after they mate the female mantis will eat the male head of the grasshopper . Because the female mantis after mating requires a lot of food and food that is closest male grasshoppers .
Because it is the symbol of the love grasshopper is very strong because the male grasshopper willing to die for the love of the female grasshopper .

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