Monday 9 March 2015

How to Treat and Prevent Boils Quickly


A boil is a skin disease in which the occurrence of a red bump that causes pain and tenderness when touched or untouched. Boils are usually caused by bacteria and where the growth was not unexpected.

The most frequently covered with sores usually are part of the face. The cause of ulcers is a bacterium and is usually supported by the habit of consuming foods that contain excessive protein, dirty blood, the pores are closed and so on.

If you are exposed to a boil usually will feel pain and difficulty doing activities. Even if the appearance of blotches on the face or on the body that easily seen by others, not only pain, but also a sense of shame and lack of confidence that we will felt. There are tips to overcome a good ulcers and how to prevent it:

Using Skin Ointment Miconazole


1. Apply a skin ointment ulcers miconazole in place to grow for 1-2 times a day as prescribed.

2. Make up a few days until the ulcer shrink by itself.

Using Leaf Spinach


1. Pick and wash thoroughly with water flowing 1-2 leaves of fresh spinach.

2. Mashed spinach leaves, can use the palms until creamed.

3. Add a little salt.

4. Attach In the affected body part ulcers, but not to cover the eye ulcers.

5. Spinach leaves and salt will provide a cooling effect on the taste boil hot and throbbing.

6. Do this several times a day until your ulcer heal.

Using Leaf Chili


1. Pluck the strings skillfully handful of leaves chili.

2. Wash thoroughly with water flowing.

3. Mashed chili leaves until smooth.

4. Then, mixing them with 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, stirring until well blended.

5. Then apply on the affected part of your body ulcers, but not to cover the eye ulcers.

6. Allow to air dry herb.

7. Do this several times a day until your boils broke by itself.

Using Garlic


1. Prepare a few cloves of garlic.

2. Grate until smooth, or it could be pounded until creamed.

3. Paste or apply on the affected body ulcers, but not to cover the eye ulcers.

4. The effect of this treatment is a bit hot, but so will accelerate blood circulation around the ulcer thus making boils quickly rose and broke aka precocious.

5. Do this several times a day until your boils broke by itself.

Betel Leaf


1. Pluck the strings skillfully and thoroughly wash a few betel leaves.

2. Boil until boiling.

3. Cool the cooking water to be warm, and then wipe right to a boil that has begun to break.

4. Anti-biotic contained in betel leaves will eradicate bacteria in the pus from the abscess.
The way to prevent ulcers are a few ways below:

1. Do not be too often eat foods with high protein content as this may result in ulcer disease, such as eggs, etc.

2. Get used to change clothes regularly as though you are diligent shower 2 times a day, but the dirty clothes can cause bacteria to grow and grow in the skin.

3. Wash hands and face, easy and trivial it is sometimes forgotten that this would make a great potential to grow boils on the skin, because it wash hands and face regularly and do not overdo it

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