Wednesday 25 February 2015

Narattive Text

    maaf, maaf, maaf akhirnya bisa update blog lagi :D abis uh b.inggris tentang narrative gua jadi ada kesempatan buat nulis tentang narattive text disini,, gua bingung gitu ama narattive text. Dari gua kelas 1 ampe kelas 3 ulangannya pasti ada narrative mulu dan anehnya gua juga remed mulu -_- #berakbego!!! ni gan tentang narrative!!

Narattive Text,, A writing that tells an imaginary story (jadi maksud.a semacam cerita imajinasi gitu)

Type,, 1. Legend (Legenda)
          2. Myth (Mitos)
          3. Fairy Tales (Dongeng)
          4. Fable (Tentang hewan)
          5. Folktale (Cerita Rakyat)

Communicative Purpose,, To entertain the readers

General Structure,,  
1. Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana) Paragraf 1
2. Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang) Paragraf 2, 3, 4, dll
3. Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, --- secara baik "happy ending" ataupun buruk "bad ending". Paragraf Akhir

Grammar Used dalam Narrative Text
      Menggunakan tenses "Past", baik simple, past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous, atau bisa saja past future continuous. (aturan ini bukan aturan wajib yang mutlak harus dipenuhi kok. Tidak percaya, tanyakan pada guru bahasa Inggris sobat)

Sincere Will Get a Great Return

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Auretto, all people lived peacefully there. One of them was Charlita, the king’s daughter who was assumed as the most beautiful and kindest Princess of Auretto.
One day, Charlita looked blue. Because of that her father got confused. “What’s the matter my beautiful daughter? Why are you so sad?” asked King Fernando. Charlita was just silent. She did not say anything.
Then, King Fernando decided to make a competition to cheer Charlita again. After that, the palace representative announce: “I will make a competition. The aim is to make my daughter, Princess Charlita to be happy and laugh again. Everyone who can do it, will get a prize. It will be held tomorrow when the sun rises. Sign: King Fernando.”
The following morning, everybody came to the palace, tried to give their best performance. They seemed happy and laugh, but not for Princess Charlita. She was just silent and still looked sad.
King Fernando started to give up. No one amused his daughter. Then, there came a young handsome man. “Excuse me King Fernando. I would like to join your competition. But, would you mind if I took Princess Charlita for a walk?” said the young man gently. “As long as you make my daughter be happy again, it will totally alright.” said King Fernando. The young handsome man took Princess Charlita for a walk in a beautiful blue lake with a green forest around it. Princess Charlita smiled and looked happy after that. Every body looked happy, too. “I know why are you so my beautiful daughter. Now, I promise I will environment green. I regret for always destroying it. Finally, the environment around the kingdom became so beautiful and green, full of plants. Then, the young handsome man got a prize from the king. “I will marry you off my daughter.” said him. “That is the prize I promise for you. Thanks for keeping our environment well. Thanks for making my daughter happy again.”

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